Industrial Areas Of Bulandshahr

About Industrial Area

Bulandshahr is a significant industrial hub. Key players include chemical, metal and ceramic industries. Additionally, the sugar mills, crockery manufacturers, and electrical goods manufacturers are profit making firms. Thus, helping bulandshahr to progress from an agro-based industry to industries using state-of-the-art machinery and efficient business practices. bulandshahr is internationally renowned for ceramics, pottery and handicrafts. bulandshahr is home to thousands of factories and small-scale industries that manufacture traditional pottery and other handicrafts. Wooden furniture manufactured in bulandshahr also have a great demand. Handicrafts provide fruitful business opportunities in the city. There are 278 units for readymade garments and embroidery, 333 units of wooden furniture, 102 units of electrical machinery and transport equipment and 184 metal-based units in bulandshahr.

Industrial Areas

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